Women should read this article to know how to help your vagina healthy
khmerpress November 12, 2015 Knowledge,
a common health problem that women often face is vaginal health issues. Women who face problems vagina is most often felt shame in consultation with anyone, and even doctors. Therefore, if you are embarrassed to speak out when there are problems, you should protect it better treatments. Here is a way that can help your vagina healthy and stay away from other diseases:
bektleay1731 1. To avoid bad smell, you should wear underwear made fiber (cotton). 2. Shave or wax coat (forehead) and wash it clean to avoid infection. Wash your vagina frequently using warm water or sanitary water. 3. You should wash area near your vagina (between the vagina and anus) Even buttock to maintain hygiene and prevent infection in your vagina. 4. Please be careful when you're cleaning your vagina as if soap bubbles into your vagina, it can cause bad side effects. 5. Maintain cleanliness every time you come. Change frequently. Choose a suitable and easy to use. 6. Wash clean before and after sex. You also need to tell your partner wash well, especially if you do not use a condom. 7. Eat good food and exercise. Eating yogurt. Yogurt contains good bacteria that help make your vagina healthy. Besides Kim yogurt cheese that contain good bacteria that can help. 8. Eat more fruits such as pineapples, estrogen berries and other fruits because it can make your vagina healthy. The above tips you should apply to your vagina healthy.